Thursday, December 20, 2007

Princess Naomi

I think it is cool how little kids develop a personality so early on and discover what they like. Naomi was introduced to the Disney princess movies, not really thinking how that would impact her, but wow boy has it ever! Everything has to be about princesses, Cinderella is her favorite and she can recite the whole movie and act it out. Several times during the day Naomi wants me too put on the "slipper" on her foot and then call her princess, and then she will twirl away dancing and singing. And this morning it made it all worth it, after watching these disney movies for the 100th time, after giving naomi her breakfast naomi said to me , "thank you your Majesty" and then she bowed to me!!!! I thought Wow that was Awesome, she knows who the Queen is in this house. :)

I might have to go against my moral toy rule, "NO Barbies" because daddy brought home a barbie princess movie and now barbie can do no wrong. I never liked these things growing up so i guess i need to just let naomi be who she wants and if she wants to be a ballerina like the creepy barbie computer generated cartoons, then so be it! She still will play sports too, hehehehe!

We love our dancing and singing princess Naomi!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Our Kitty!

Wow, how time flies when you are having fun! And we have been, our daughter Naomi Ann Keolani Gray will be 3 on February 17. She is such a delight to be with, I am so glad to be her mother. She is our little diva with an attitude like her mommy and a temper like her daddy. We love her so much and she has grown to be such a smart, tough, caring and thoughtful little girl. We love you Naomi and Happy Christmas! Find joy in your children!!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

happy holidays!

well, I hate the cold and the mushy snow that leaves huge puddles that never go away, I hate the crowds and parking traffic and all the noise and pressure of spending money for christmas cheer, (buy this and that, get in now for it won't be on sale later!) I hate the sniffles and the cries of too much FUN! I hate the long lines and no more money, and the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We want to be relaxing on the sand with flip flops and a smoothie in hand, feeling thankful for what we have and being so grateful for the true meaning of Christmas! Well, I hope you don't get stuck in traffic, and I hope you find what you need, I hope you all get to see family and friends close to you, and I hope there is laughter and smiles all year round, but most of all I hope to at least wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Lori, Naomi and Tommy