Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Naomi's famous words... of 2008

"Daddy you are Crazy"! Instead of Holy cow, she says "Holy ROCK"! If I say "yeah me too", she will say, " ya me three". She likes to copy me when I am on my phone and when I am having a conversation with Tommy- so if I seem cross, she will say, " Daddy you are in a time OUT"! I usually let her get away with that one, hahaha! ;)
She still says the kitchen is "chicken". She calls Leilani, "Me"lani.
-out of the blue, she will say, " that is sooo weird".
And the other day, Tommy wanted her to go somewhere with him, she was laying on our bed watching her movie and she said, " Daddy I QUIT"! We knew then she was tired. ;)

She calls her bum her "bump". And when I am nursing Leilani, Naomi calls "them", my pointers! hahahahaha! ;)
I love my Naomi Ann Keolani.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008