Friday, October 31, 2008

happy happy halloween!

Well, my daughter Naomi came home early from trick or treating and said her tummy hurt, and we didn't listen. After mommy took her around the block and daddy for the second time, we should have listened, we came home and she threw up all over herself. I guess the build up of the day and excitement and probably the fifth tootsie roll, things caught up to her and she let it all out over her blue fairy dress. Well, she fell asleep quickly and now she knows the meaning of too much candy will give u a tummy ache and will make you sick. Moral of the story, Daddy and Mommy wanted more candy? NO! We needed to listen to our 3 yr old. She had a lot of fun, but she knew when to quit T or T, and we didn't listen.;( Poor Naomi!

Through the first 3 Halloween years...
First yr- bumble bee
second yr- pink princess/ cinderella
third yr- tinker bell/ blue pixie fairy ( but she didn't want to wear her wings tonight)

pics to come later...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

here she is Miss Samoa...

A Star is Born! Leilani weighed 8lbs 2oz, 21 in long, and our sweet baby girl arrived Wed Oct 22 at 9:54pm! We are so proud of our new arrival. It was a long day on Wed 10/22, we checked in the hospital at 630am and I was induced. It was a long wait till I was ready, my contractions were good through-out the day, and the baby looked really good too. I was fine and felt ready, except when it was time for my epideral, which really hurt! But, it was better then feeling the contractions all day. I was finally dialated to a 4, 8hrs later the doctor broke my water and things started to happen really fast. I only had to push less then 20 min and Leilani was out. Tommy cut the cord and he and my mother were a huge help all day. She is so beautiful, we love her and we are so glad she is here and healthy. Naomi was at the hospital waiting with Pappa, she woke up to meet Leilani and smiled. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Leilani is here!!!!!

first pics check out....

more to come later...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Because I couldn't sleep...

3 Joys
1. Dates with Tommy
2. Naomi's laughter/giggles
3. having a second child join our family

3 Fears
1.something bad happening to my children
2.failure at life dying before my children have grown/ or my children passing before me

3 Goals
1. finish my schooling, Masters...
2. teach my children the Gospel
3. finish the Book of Mormon before my bday

3 Obsessions
1. chapstick
2. chocolate-Serendipity in NYC-frozen hot chocolate or brownie fudge sundae
3. really good old movies

3 Facts
1. I hate the winters/cold.
2. I love bread!
3. I love my family!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I was tagged, here ya go...

8 TV Shows I watch:
3.HGTV...anything-Divine by Design, design to sell, if walls could talk... network...anything but esp. Ellie- healthy appetites, semi-homemade
6.Naomi's cartoons, Disney channel...
7.without a trace

8 Favorite Restaurants: (In no particular order)
1.mimi's cafe
2.french bakery-yummo!
4.macaroni grill
7.Islands- in Cali
8.Coco's-in Cali

8 Things that Happened Yesterday:
3.explained to naomi about mommy going to hospital when baby comes
4.surfed the internet
5.took a walk
6.made spaghetti dinner w/ meatballs
7. let naomi make a mess in the LV room
8.Went to bed late because of facebook

8 Things I look Forward too:
1.celebrating our 10 yr anniversary
2.having this babaaaaaaaaah!
3.holding my newborn
4.having my body back
6.going to Cali
7.naomi's laughter
8.kisses from tommy

8 Things I love about Fall:
1.warmer clothing
2.the smells-cinnamon, nutmeg, spices for the season
3.cooler weather, but not too cold
4.colors of the mtn. hair is not so poofy :)
6.halloween- love it love it love it, dressing up...
7.thanksgiving- Tommy especially loves this holiday, better then xmas-he says!;) hubby's bday

8 Things on my Wish List:
2.egypt closer to family
4.pedicure uggs
7.australia-tommy's mish
8.dream home

8 People I TAG: (no pressure, at all)
3.wendy c.
5.Lou Ann
6.melinda hansen- i will tag u for fun!;)

Monday, October 6, 2008

My new music love, Jason Mraz, love his voice, my hubby and I are chillin to his groovy sounds!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

ABC's of ME

A is for Age: 34
B is for Burger of choice: Islands (pipeline) in Cali
C is for the Car I drive: Isuzu trooper
D is for your Dog's name: as a kid, Lady, best dog ever!
E is for Essential item you use everyday: lotion, lip gloss-Lancome (I hate dry lips!)
F is for Favorite TV show at the moment: Bones
G is for favorite Game: scategorries
H is for Home state: California, but oootah is cool.
I is for Instruments you play: I used to play violin.
J is for favorite Juice: cranberry
K is for whose bum you would like to Kick: Obama-hehehehe, hilary clinton, or any clinton. ;)
L is for Last restaraunt you ate at: Kneaders
M is for your favorite Muppet: Elmo, for my daughter
N is for Number of piercing's at one time: I used to have 5, closed up now.
O is for Overnight hospital stays: 5
P is for People you were with today: family
Q is for what you do with your Quiet time: sleep
R is for biggest Regret: not being more disciplined at a younger age-college years.
S is for Status: proud wife, momma, and pregnant!
T is for the Time you woke up today: to pee early 6am
U is for what's Unique about you: I am adopted and found my birth fam, good times.
V is for a Vegetable you love: broccli, carrotts, corn
W is for Worst habit: worry wart, bad dreams
X is for X-Rays you have had: 4
Y is for Yummy food you have eaten today: turkey avocado sndwhch, brownie cheesecake, yummy apple
Z is for Zodiac sign: pisces

Friday, October 3, 2008

funny things naomi says

Her preschool teacher asked her, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Naomi looked at her weird and said, "Still a Girl"! The teacher said she had this look on her face like, duh! :)

She also told Miss Merlene, that I already had the baby on Tues and we named her Cali. mmmm? I wish I had her already! and Cali is cute, but we never said that.

Naomi still likes to call the kitchen-"chicken".

Naomi also wants to name the baby Talula. or Lelo. or Stitch.

She says the baby can come out and play with her toys.
She call herself "Nomi".
I am the Queen on most days and Daddy is the King and she is the princess.

Tommy teaches her some Samoan also, but these are the ones she remembers...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

little treasures from Naomi

Naomi likes to bring me something anytime she is away from me. If she is with Daddy on a walk, or gone to the store or just outside for a few min, she always brings me a gift. A stick, leaf, rock, flower, dried up dead fruit, or an unripen fruit. Lately she likes to collect rocks, big rocks, so I have rocks in my home, I have tripped over some of them too. She always loves to bring me flowers too. When she would visit a friend in their home she would also come home with a present for me, a marble, a small toy, or something weird she thinks is beautiful! So one day in Cali at the beach, Naomi actually found a treasure, a complete shell, not broken, which is hard to find, I was excited for her, it was a perfect clam shell. After playing with it for awhile, she thought it wasn't so perfect, so she broke it and threw it back in the ocean. I love my "nomi", she is my little treasure!