Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Brady Bunch

So lately Naomi wants to watch "The Brady Bunch" at 6pm on the BYU channel. So we have been watching it together, and even though I have already seen most of the episodes, it is a good nap time for me on the couch. Sometimes I will hear her giggle at the show, and other times she just sits quietly and watches and really observes the show. So I have been contemplating if I should let her watch this weird 70's show that I watched as a child, and still can't believe it is still on the air. It is a silly show and the family can get annoying. But today I could not stop laughing...Naomi was making fun of the show, she was copying what they said and making funny faces as if she knows this show is so unrealistic and quite stupid. She was saying mommy what is going on with all the boys and girls, and I said exactly...what is going on with all the boys and girls...hahahaha! It was a classic naomi observation, she is so smart and knows what is going on in life, sometimes I think wow I have a really mature 3 year old.


Leah said...

Haha...that's cute! I haven't seen the Brady Bunch in a long time. It is a pretty silly show, but she could be watching much worse ones these days! :)

I took my blog private, email me at leah.lcs@gmail.com if you'd like to be able to view it.

Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods and that you're adjusting to your new little family.

Let There be Happy! said...

Yea, my kids like watching that too, for some odd reason. It sure is a lot better than a lot of the smut and even cartoons that are on the air these days.

Your little momma sounds like she was born first for a reason. She is going to have to be the sharp shooter for the rest of the clan. She is a cutie.